Nervous System Rewire
Online Classes

The HELD collection of NSR Self Regulation Practices are designed to empower you with tools to regulate your own body’s stress responses & rebuild a robust & adaptable nervous system.

A collection of breath, body & brain training neuro-resilience practices to soothe & ground our nervous systems, restore vagal tone & equilibrium, rebuild our inner resilience & our capacity to effectively metabolise & bounce back with ease after stress 


A profoundly supportive practice if you have found yourself suffering from :

* Anxiety, emotional overwhelm or panic attacks

* Disassociation, Difficulty focusing, brain fog

* Chronic pain & muscular tension

* Difficulty relaxing & unwinding the body & mind

* Depression, feeling flat & unmotivated, loss of enthusiasm for life

* Digestive disorders such as Gut Pain, IBS, Constipation/Diarrhoea, SIBO.

* Insomnia & Sleep Disorders

* Chronic inflammation

* Depleted immune system

* Ongoing fatigue & lethargy