Online Yoga Classes

with Tina Nance

Shraddha Yoga Therapy

8-Class series

In Shraddha Yoga Therapy, each yoga posture is designed to influence the flow of chi through particular meridians, influencing their corresponding organs & thus having a specific therapeutic effect. These classes invite you out of your head & into your body & explore for yourself the connection of your mind, body & spirit.ory online can make all the difference.

Yin Yoga Therapy

8-Class Series

In this series we explore long-held therapeutic asanas that generate the flow of chi through the fascia & the energy channels of the bodymind. Releasing deep layers of contraction held in the connective tissue and influencing the 12 main meridians that feed into all of our primary organs, the classes in this series allow a deep release on all levels of our being & invite an integration of Body, Mind & Spirit.

Nervous System Rewire

5 Classes

The Nervous System Rewire classes are a collection of breath, brain training & somatic self regulation practices designed to soothe & ground our nervous systems & restore vagal tone & well-being. Including pranayama, neuro-resilience training, gentle yoga, acupressure, yoga nidra & more.

To rebuild inner resilience & the capacity to effectively bounce back with ease after stress